Thursday, 11 December 2014

Michael's Excellence Award

My Reflection:
I have gotten this award for being a very good mathematician.
I got this medal at the assembly of years 4-6. The date I got this award was 10 December  2014.
I was very happy to get this award. The last assembly at school for year 4-6, very last in school is December 9, 2014. It is now the last day of school of 2014. The holidays begin 1:00 PM.
I aM sO pRoUd Of My AwArD!

Thursday, 4 December 2014

My Award

My Reflection: 
I got this award because I love music and I've been doing music for ages. I have been working really hard at music.

Monday, 24 November 2014


Statistics Investigation Chart

My Reflection:
I was learning to make my first graph about games. 
I learnt to ask good questions I got information from the children and I did a tally of their answers. Then I learned how to do a spreadsheet (Excel) making a graph. It was complicated to do.

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Trip to Tiritiri Matangi

My Reflection:
I was proud of working out birds in the trip to Tiritiri Matangi Island.
What was tricky was how I saw "birdbaths" and bird taps. The Visitors Centre had a shop in it.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Learning to Write a Narrative

                                                      Click below to read the story.

Allegro Learns About Maths by Michael and Richelle

My Reflection
I have been to learning to write my own story with a partner. 

My E-Ako 1K Maths trophy

My Reflection
I got this trophy because I tried really hard for fractions and place value and I got 1K Points.
This award was from
I received this trophy: September 25th, 2014, or 25 Sep 2014 for short, or even 25/9/14 for shorter.

Friday, 19 September 2014

ROOM13 Allegro's Story 2014

             Click below to read this book - Room 13-made

The Musical Cockroach

                                  My Reflection:

I am learning ...
  • To write a story with a lot of punctuation and not to use boring words 
  • I am proud of ...
  • Everybody was working as a team to get the story finished
  • It took a while but it was worth it because it was a great story.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Why Is Music Important For Absolutely Everybody?

My Reflection
I have learned to argument about music.
What was tricky:
Einstein was born in 1879 and said if he was not a physicist, he'll be a composer instead.
His grave was on 1955.
Now he is about 135 years old.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

My Best Game Ever On Cross Out Singles

My Reflection

I won the game for Cross Out Singles!
The scoreboard was:
Me (Michael Santos) - 94 - 1st
Sue Hodge/Justin Lim - 75 - 2nd
Allan Karo - 54 - 3rd
Cameron Hall - 50 - 4th
Oliver Handley-Elder - 0 - 5th 

My board was assembled as 8, 7, 6, 9, 8, 10, 5, 8, 9...
One column and one diagonal added up to 25.
Another column and one row added up to 22.
What was tricky: I forgot to place 10 in the middle but I still won, so my 10 was at the central row and the right column! 

I am proud of myself!!! 

Friday, 13 June 2014

Sharing My Learning with the Principal

My Reflection: 

I had a meeting with the principal and shared morning tea with her to celebrate a personal best effort this term.  I shared my triangle work on my e-portfolio and my work in my maths book.  I am much neater in my maths book now.

My Reader's Theatre Learning Progress in 2014

My Word Study 2014

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Learning About Geometry

We learned about triangles:
An equilateral triangle is acute and its sides are all the same.
An isosceles triangle has 2 same sides.
A scalene triangle's sides are all different.
A right angled triangle has a right angle (90 deg.)
An acute triangle has its angles all less than 90 deg.. 
An obtuse triangle has one of its angles 91 deg. or more.
Triangles have three sides each.

I enjoyed sharing my knowledge about the different triangles with our class.
I also got to draw the triangles and put them on the board.

They are:
*Right Angled

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

My Basic Facts Progress

On February, I got 98 of my school math test questions right, then on March, I went down a little, to 97, and on April, I went way up to 98 again. Last month, I went way up (to 99), then this month I finally got everything(100) right. My number of school math test questions are 492. Every other classmate in Room 13 got less.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Solving money problems using halving and doubling

My reflection:

I have been using the halving and doubling.  I didn't half exactly except for 6 halved is 3 but I got the right answer which was very curious indeed. I will do more halving and doubling.

Solving fractions of a number

My reflection:
I found out all questions, and I got the first one wrong at the first try, but at the next try I got it right. Then I did the next questions until I finished the last question.  I liked the questions.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Memorable Meal


My Memorable Meal
By Mikey

My breakfast
I have a rumbly tummy when I wake up in the morning and cannot wait until my Coco-Crunch is prepared for me to eat.  When I eat my Coco-Crunch, it  fizzes in my mouth.  The Coco Pops looks like  choco-burst. The Maple Crunch has a vanillary taste; looks good as well.  That makes my tummy nice and full.
My tummy grumbles as i wake up. Yummyummyummy Yummy Yummy Yummy - there goes my coco-crunch!  Coco Pops and Maple Crunch mixed together creates “Coco-Crunch”! Chew-Chew-Chew-swalllow!!!!1!!! Its shapes are circle and double-square! They make sounds like “Popping crunch! Fizz! Vanillary!!”
I like it everyday! It gives me lots of energy to play and run!


My Memorable Meal
By Mikey

My breakfast
I have a rumbly tummy when I wake up in the morning and cannot wait until my Coco-Crunch is prepared for me to eat.  When I eat my Coco-Crunch, it  fizzes in my mouth.  The Coco Pops looks like  choco-burst. The Maple Crunch has a vanillary taste looks good as well.  That makes my tummy nice and full.
My tummy grumbles as i wake up. Yummyummyummy - there goes my coco-crunch!  Coco Pops and Maple Crunch mixed together creates “Coco-Crunch”! Chew-Chew-Chew-swalllow!!!!1!!! Its shapes are circle and double-square! They make sounds like “Popping crunch fizz vanillary!!”
I like it everyday! It gives me lots of energy to play and run!

I edited my punctuation and spelling (spellctuation).
Then I highlighted my paragraph start in blue.
Finally I highlighted the adjectives in yellow and verbs in green.

I learned about Pop and Crunch are onomatopoeic words because the word sounds like the sound they make.


Monday, 2 June 2014

Halving and doubling

I worked out how to halve and double numbers. In this exercise, I learned how to add money by halving and doubling factors.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Pedal power safety skills 2

 My reflection:
I think I've done a good job 
because I followed the instructions in Pedal Power. 
I think next time I would do it again.  

Monday, 14 April 2014

Learning to Write a Reader's Response

My Reflection:
I found it tricky when we had to write the last paragraph.I found it easy when we had to write the first paragraph

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Mikey's Venn Diagram about recounts

I'm learning to do a Venn Diagram. It can be tricky to write the Venn Diagram
It was easy  to do

Friday, 21 March 2014

Learning how to solve word problems in Maths

My reflection:

I found this problem a bit tricky because it's a word problem and I'm learning to read a word problem and organising my thinking. I also learned to use a grid. I liked to use it because it helped me to add the pocket money each week.

Monday, 3 March 2014

My bio poem

Adventurous, happy, creative, smart
Who loves bikes, reading, maths, playtime
Resident of Pakuranga
Who needs a family and friends
Who gives good effort, goodness, friendship
Who fears death, poison, fire, angriness

Who would like to see the Great Wall of China

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My Welcome Post

My name is Mikey.

I go to Elm Park School and I am in Year 4.

I have an e-portfolio because I like to share my learning.

My interests  are reading, maths, writing, and learning.

I am looking forward to any comments you may post on my blog.