Friday, 21 March 2014

Learning how to solve word problems in Maths

My reflection:

I found this problem a bit tricky because it's a word problem and I'm learning to read a word problem and organising my thinking. I also learned to use a grid. I liked to use it because it helped me to add the pocket money each week.


wrigley said...

Well done, Mikey! It does help when you break down the problem and organise your thinking. I knew you can do it!

Anonymous said...

Yes I can! ^u^

Mrs Hodge said...

I was impressed with the way you persevered in explaining your thinking and recorded it.
Remember, 2 addends=the sum/or total; when we multiply 2 factors the answer is called the product. (I know you know that now :))

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mrs. Hodge!