Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Japanese  visitors

Last Thursday, the Japanese visitors came and sang the Japanese national anthem. It took time before they even wrote my name in Japanese!
I ordered them to, so I chose the Star symbol and there were 4 syllables in my name in Japanese: 
ma - i - ku - ra.
If I was from Japan, that would be my name.
So then the Japanese students did a challenge, and some of them succeeded, but others failed. 0_o All Japanese students returned to the seats. The buddies stayed in the auditorium. There were three songs in the formal proceedings.
First, Matua Faenza spoke. Then Caleb spoke. After that the Hoshino students spoke. Finally, Mrs. Graham spoke. The formal proceedings ended. 

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Haiku poems

These are my Haiku poems I created and I came up with a Haiku poem about PCs and another about Spring and Winter. It wasn't hard at all. I remembered there were 5 syllables each on all lines except the 2nd which has 7.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Biggest Telescope

I was reading the book about the largest ever telescope on Earth. I found some information about teh facts. I was a heap interested in astronomy because I am so brave of the universe. The SKA could also see exoplanets. Examples: 55 Cancri E, 
Kepler-22b, HAT-P-4b, TRES-4b, WASP-78b, Kepler-4b, TRES-2b, 
HAT-P-3b, Kepler-37b, Kepler-14b, Kepler-31b

Monday, 3 August 2015

The Levels (recount)

Kensuke's Kingdom Chapter 1: Pegggy Sue

My Reflection

I was learning how to identify different points of view in a story.  First I had to read and record ideas from the story into a pros and cons table.  I thought it was a little bit hard to find ideas from the book.   I chose to share my learning by writing a balanced argument.    My next step is to think about whose point of view is closest to Min in the stories I read.